
Friday, October 27, 2017

How to Hear from God

God speaks enormously and in diverse ways to all His creation. There is no generation that has ever gone without hearing His voice in different ways. To some it might be a distant rumbling or a vague voice through nature or people yet to some who are close to Him it might be a "This is the way, walk in it."

How marvelous can it be to you when the God of the universe speaks to you in a personal way? not the the general message the we at times get when gathered in a congregation but rather a personal specific word from God that gives you direction in life or in a specific challenge that you are facing.

The truth is that God is constantly longing to hung out with His creation and to share secrets with one who is willing to listen, at times it might not be the sweet scented voice of "I love you son" but it might be "If you do not change your ways, destruction is inevitable" yet in all these, if it is a voice coming from God, you will be sure that if you obey His voice, all will turn out for your good despite the current circumstances.