
Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Name above All Other Names

The English dictionary defines a name as “a word or set of words by which a person or thing is known, addressed or referred to”. It is common sense that the first thing we get acquainted with in a person that we are new to, is their name. This is because, the name of a person gives a brief history of the bearer of the name. Through the name of a person, we can know their religion, tribe or nationality, ancestry and more. Names are very significant in the society. It is impossible for one to be a member of a human society without a name.

In traditional African setting, most communities give names to their new born children in relation to the surrounding recent events or more. For instance, the Abagusii community in Kenya, which is my tribe, used give scary or ugly names to children born during a pandemic that killed children. This was so that when death came to take the child, it would be scared off by the child’s name. Hence in Abagusii community, there are people who have names such as Nyang’au which means hyena, a name which acted as protection for the child against death.

The Native Americans are credited with having the most complex naming tradition. First a child is given a name by a medicine man which remains a secret throughout the life of the child. The reason behind the secrecy of the first name is because according to their belief, the person who knows the secret name has spiritual power over you and is able to cause you harm. Hence one has to keep their secret name very secret. As the child grows up, he acquires other names at different stages in life. In case of an accomplishment, he or she would earn a name which would be given by the community.

Some Asian communities changed the names of invalids in order to hide the sick person from evil spirits. This practice was also common among the Jews who were members of the Kabbalah occult. They believed that evil spirits locates people through their names, hence changing one’s name is equal to when a criminal uses an alias name in order to hide from the authorities.

History does not explain the origin of names. Most linguists and historians agree that naming originated the same time that man was able to communicate via language. For it is not possible to have intelligent speech without use of names. The Bible on the other hand, gives a reasonable explanation to the origin and significance of names, hence I will default to the Bible for further explanation on this subject.

According to Vine’s Bible Encyclopedia, names in scripture, “were generally descriptive of the person, of his position, of some circumstance affecting him, hope entertained concerning him etc. So that ‘the name’ often came to stand for the person”. Hence a person’s name represents who they are.

In Genesis 5:28, an account is given about Noah. Noah was given his name by his father Lamech, in the hope that he would bring comfort to mankind whose life had become dire as a result of sin. His name means rest, and through him, his family was saved from the deluge.

As people increased after the flood, we further encounter a character by the name of Abram, who God called to a journey of faith. Due to Abram’s faithful obedience, God changed his name from Abram (exalted father) to Abraham (father of many nations). We can all attest to the fact that Abraham is truly the father of many nations for three major global religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) trace their decent from Abraham.

Further down the line, God changed Jacob’s name to Israel. The story of Jacob is interesting because he stole his brother’s blessing from his father having disguised himself as Esau. Prior to the changing of Jacob’s name by God, he had lived on blessings acquired through a false name. Jacob must have lived a life full of fear and stress, despite the fact that he was materially wealthy. When God was about to bless him, he asked him his name, this was not because God did not know his name, it is rather because, God wanted to bless Jacob and this time, he had to receive the blessing in an honest way. Hence Jacob the supplanter was changed to Israel, prince with God, and through him, the nation of Israel is born.

Jacob himself understood the weight of a name in someone’s life, he understood that names had spiritual implications hence when his wife Rachel was about to die, after giving birth painfully, she named the new born son, Ben-Oni (Son of my sorrow), but Jacob changed the name to Benjamin (Son of my right hand)-Genesis 35:18.

In 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, we encounter Jabez who prayed to God, and asked him to bless him and not let his name, which means pain, to affect his life. God being merciful granted him the desires of his heart.

Through the scriptures, it is clearly open that God has placed significance in names. By placing significance in names, God draws us to his name, which is the name above all other names. It is through the scriptures that we get a revelation of who God is. Through the name of God we get a glimpse of who he is, for the name of God reveals God himself as he chooses to be revealed to men. Through his name, we know God as he desires to be known by his creation.

The name of God therefore, represents who he is. His name is not just a word but a divine revelation of his character and nature, in relation to his dealings with his people. Whatever God does, it is for his name’s sake. It is for his glorious’ name sake that he answers prayers.

In Isaiah 56:5, God promised his people a name that will be better than any worldly possessions, an everlasting name. To have the name of God is to be one with him. It is to belong to him.

Prior to the birth of Jesus, the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and informed her that she was to give birth to a son, who would be called Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins, Matthew 1:21. The name of Jesus represents his power and authority. Through his name, signs and wonders are wrought, Matthew 7:22, Acts 4:7. Salvation was to be preached in no other name apart from the name of Jesus, Luke 24:47. It is through the name of Jesus that sinners are justified, Acts 10:43.

Philippians 2:5-11 New International Version (NIV)

5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:

6 Who, being in very nature God,
did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
7 rather, he made himself nothing
by taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
8 And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
by becoming obedient to death—
even death on a cross!

9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name,
10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.

Through the name of Jesus we have received victory over sin. No power can match the power vested in the name of Jesus. He is above powers of darkness, above witchcraft, above economic meltdown, above sickness and disease, above depression, above future uncertainty, above all unimaginable situations. Through his death at the cross and his resurrection he conquered it all. He wears the victor’s crown and that is the best news for all who believe in his name. Happy Easter.

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