
Friday, October 12, 2018

Jacob ,The Man Who Wrestled With God

Jacob is a unique character through whom the desire in man’s heart to accelerate the hand of destiny is clearly seen. Before Jacob was born God declared that he had chosen him to be greater than his brother. That his elder brother will serve him, Gen 25:2. The promise of Jacob’s election was given to his mother and chances are that Isaac might not have known about it. Chances are that Rebecca told Jacob about it hence planting the desire in him to accelerate the hand of destiny, a decision that culminates in him being a fugitive for 20 years.

I strongly believe that if Jacob could have waited on God to fulfil his promise to him, God would have done it differently and without any regrets just as he did with David.

Jacob through the help of his mother was able to dupe Isaac into blessing him instead of his brother Esau. After 20 years of being on the run, away from his brother and family, he decided to go back home. While returning home, the weight of what he did years ago was heavily laden on him, he could not bear the shame and guilt. He had thought that through acquiring possessions and position, the end would justify the means but that was not the case, fear had crept in, he no longer cared about how much he had, all he wanted was peace with his brother, he longed for peace, not only from his brother but also a peace that surpasses understanding, he longed for the peace that only God could provide.

Prior to his return home, Jacob had not surrendered to God, he had not decided to serve God and let God be his God. When God appeared to him 20 years ago at Bethel when he was running away from home, he made a vow to God that if God would provide and protect him, he would in return surrender to God. God fulfilled his end of the bargain now it was Jacob’s turn to fulfill his promise.

When God met Jacob on the night that he wrestled with him, Jacob asked for a blessing before he could let go of God. Before God blessed Jacob He asked him his name, this probably was not because God did not know who Jacob was but rather because when Jacob received his blessing from Isaac it was on false grounds and as a result he had lived a lie but now he is face to face with God. This time he could not lie anymore, probably he had learnt from his earlier mistake, this time he told the truth, that his name is Jacob, the supplanter, the con, that’s when God blessed him. Henceforth Jacob is no longer Jacob but Israel, a prince with God, a blessed one.

I would beg not to pursue Jacob’s life further from his encounter with God on that eventful night because I view that night as a very important day in his life. God chose Jacob before he was born, God did not wait to see what abilities or how appealing he would be so that God could choose him, no, God chose Jacob without his knowledge, he was chosen out of God’s own will and pleasure.

Jacob acquired much wealth and was protected by God but all his worldly gain could not deal with the fear of the consequences of the sin he had committed years earlier. The only remedy was through surrendering to God, from there he was ready to face his brother. Through the surrender, God purged his past, gave him a new name, he was no longer a slave to fear but now a child of God.

Through Jacob we can see the grace of God in action. Jacob had to limp through his life, a constant reminder of his dependence on God. What burden are you carrying that is weighing you down? Is it a mangled childhood? Is it the loss of a loved one or even a botched relationship? Are you walking through life afraid of what the future will bring? Are you seeing no end to your calamities? Well, God is willing to be your God, He is ready to give you rest. You can count on God. To those who are heavy laden He has promised rest, only if you go to him.

I urge you to take time and analyze your life, take time to look at what really troubles you, we all have that one thing that we cannot handle, to some it might be multiple things that are weighing them down. In God there is help, He is more than willing to help you if you let Him. May God give you the grace and strength to surrender to Him

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