
Monday, October 8, 2018

David, The man After God's own Heart

After God’s Own Heart

But now your kingdom will not endure, the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him ruler of his people because you have not kept the Lord’s command. 1 Samuel 13:14.

As Saul’s zeal and passion towards God was waning, when his heart was no longer inclined towards God, God already had someone else ready to take over from him. At the time that God said that David was a man after his own heart, David was not even aware that God had selected him for royalty at that tender age, while still a boy, God called David a man.

David was the youngest son of Jesse who was probably a chief among his tribe of Judah. He was his last born son and probably bore him in his sunset years. As a boy, his life was busily kept by the flock of his father. The solitude moments while tending to his father’s flock might have been moments of deep imagination and most of his creativity must have been aroused during those moments. Throughout history, during solitude moments great men drew closer to God.

David must have grown courage during his shepherding days due to the adventures that he encountered. When faced with the challenge of Goliath, he recounted some of the adventures he had encountered while shepherding his father’s flock in the wilderness, having experienced God’s help in the obstacles he faced, he was willing to face Goliath with the same courage that he faced the lion and the bear with, for he knew that God was with him. 1Sam 17:34.

One thing that clearly stands out about David is that he had a practical knowledge of God. David totally believed in God and knew that God is a present help in times of need, he did not just believe that God helps people but rather he was ready to put that knowledge of God into action knowing that God had his back covered, he never showed any doubt towards God. He totally believed in God from his younger years and grew up with a zeal to follow God, he had a heartbeat for God.

Through David’s relationship with God, we learn that it is not just knowing about God that will bring you victory in life but having a close relationship with him coupled with obeying his word boldly. Consider this, how many men in Saul’s army knew about God? Probably all of them but none of them believed that God would help them defeat Goliath hence it took a young boy who walked with God to prove to the whole army of Israel that God is faithful to his promises.

The relationship that David had with God could not allow him to be pinned down by any insurmountable task that he came across. He was always ready to make a move knowing that God was with him. David rose from being a shepherd and became one of Israel’s greatest kings, he set the standard for all kings to emulate, a standard which no other king after him surpassed. Although David had his failures and frailties yet his heart was always inclined to God and he always treasured God’s opinion above all else.

David not only grew up to be a giant slayer, a courageous soldier and an amazing king, he also raised killers and great soldiers too. In 1 Samuel 22:1 we are given an account of how when Saul outlawed David that he resolved to go to the cave of Adullam and was joined by his parents, brother sand everyone that was in distress, those who were in debt and everyone who was discontented, all numbering about 400 people. Later towards the end of David’s life, we are given a list of his mighty men, those that grew courage out of walking with David, he nurtured leaders. A great leader will always raise leaders.

Through David, we learn of God’s mercies and His steadfast love towards us. Through him we learn that God desires genuine repentance and pure brokenness of the heart, not cosmetic repentance

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